Click behaviors

Once glyphs have been rendered in a Chart, you can bind arbitrary click behaviors to them using the clickBehavior function. In this example, we’ll set up a click behavior that calls the browser’s alert() function when a glyph is clicked.

To start off, let’s first instantiate a Chart and render some glyphs:

let chart = new soda.Chart({
  selector: "#soda-chart",
  axis: true,
  zoomable: true,

let ann: Soda.Annotation = soda.generateAnnotations({
  n: 10

  annotations: ann

Now, we’ll make a call to the clickBehavior function, which takes a ClickConfig object as an argument. All we need to do is supply a list of Annotations and a callback function that will be executed when a glyph is clicked. The callback function receives as arguments a reference to a D3 Selection to the glyph that was clicked and the AnnotationDatum bound to that glyph.

// explicit type parameters added for clarity
soda.clickBehavior<soda.Annotation, soda.Chart>({
  annotations: ann
  click: (
    // we're usually not too concerned about how the D3 Selection is typed
    s: d3.Selection<any, any, any, any>,
    // explicit type parameters added for clarity
    d: AnnotationDatum<soda.Annotation, soda.Chart<any>>
   ) => {
    alert(`${} clicked`)

Finally, here’s a full example that omits explicit type parameters and performs the call to clickBehavior in an inRender override:

let chart = new soda.Chart({
  selector: "#soda-chart",
  axis: true,
  zoomable: true,
  inRender: function (this, params): void {
      chart: this,
      annotations: params.annotations || []

      annotations: params.annotations,
      click: (s, d) => {
        alert(`${} clicked`)

let ann: Soda.Annotation = soda.generateAnnotations({
  n: 10

  annotations: ann

See the Pen SODA click behaviors by Jack Roddy (@jackroddy) on CodePen.