
class Chart<P extends RenderParams>

This is used to render Annotation objects as glyphs in the browser.

Type parameters

  • P: RenderParams


(config: ChartConfig <P>): Chart

Type parameters

  • P: RenderParams


  • config: ChartConfig



_axisAnn: undefined | Annotation

The Annotation object that is used to render the horizontal axis (if enabled).


_containerSelection: undefined | Selection <any, any, any, any>

A d3 selection to the Chart’s DOM container. This is usually a div.


_padHeight: number

The height in pixels of the Chart’s SVG pad.


_padWidth: number

The width in pixels of the Chart’s SVG pad.


_renderEnd: number

The semantic end coordinate of what is currently rendered.


_renderParams: undefined | P

The last used render parameters.


_renderStart: number

The semantic start coordinate of what is currently rendered.


_rowStripePatternSelection: undefined | Selection <SVGPatternElement, any, any, any>

A D3 selection of the SVG pattern that is used for row striping.


_rowStripeRectSelection: undefined | Selection <SVGRectElement, any, any, any>

A D3 Selection of the SVG rectangle that is used for row striping.


_selector: undefined | string

A string that can be used to uniquely select the target DOM container.


_transform: Transform

The Transform object that describes the current zoom transformation.


_viewportHeight: number

The height in pixels of the Chart’s SVG viewport.


_viewportWidth: number

The width in pixels of the Chart’s SVG viewport.


axis: boolean

This indicates whether or not the Chart has a horizontal axis.


defSelection: Selection <any, any, any, any>

A d3 selection of the Chart’s defs element. See:


glyphModifiers: GlyphModifier <any, any> []

A list of GlyphModifiers that control the glyphs rendered in the Chart.


id: string

A unique identifier for the Chart.


inRender: (params: P): void

The second rendering callback function.


observers: ChartObserver []

A list of observers attached to the Chart.


overflowViewportSelection: Selection <any, any, any, any>

A d3 selection of the Chart’s viewport that allows rendering overflow.


padSelection: Selection <any, any, any, any>

A d3 selection of the viewport’s padding container.


padSize: number

The number of pixels of padding around each edge of the Chart.


postRender: (params: P): void

The final rendering callback function.


preRender: (params: P): void

The first rendering callback function.


resizable: boolean

This controls whether or not the Chart has automatic resizing enabled.


rowCount: number

The number of rows in the Chart.


rowHeight: number

The height in pixels of a horizontal row in the Chart. This defaults to a value of 10.


rowStripes: boolean

This controls whether or not the rows will be colored in an alternating pattern.


scaleExtent: None

A list of two numbers that define the extent to which a zoom event is allowed to transform the TrackChart’s underlying scale. Simply put, this controls how far in and out a user will be able to zoom. The first number is the maximum zoom-out factor, and the second is the maximum zoom-in factor. For example, setting this to [1, 10] will prevent a user from zooming out past the point at which the chart is initially rendered, and allow them to zoom in by a factor of 10. For more info, see


translateExtent: (chart: Chart <any>): None

This is a callback function that is used to set the translate extent (left/right panning) allowed when a zoom event is applied to the TrackChart. It needs to be a callback, because it needs the absolute width of the TrackChart’s SVG viewport, which is allowed to change throughout the TrackChart’s lifetime. For example, setting this to: (chart) => [[0, 0], [chart.width, chart.height]] will restrict the panning in the TrackChart to exactly the range that was initially rendered. For more info, see


viewportSelection: Selection <any, any, any, any>

A d3 selection of the Chart’s viewport.


xScale: ScaleLinear <number, number>

A D3 scale that the Chart will use to translate between semantic and viewport coordinates. This scale will be periodically re-scaled after zoom events.


xScaleBase: ScaleLinear <number, number>

The base D3 scale that will be used to rescale the Chart’s xScale.


zoomable: boolean

This controls whether or not the Chart has zooming enabled.



get containerSelection(): Selection <any, any, any, any>

Get a D3 selection of the Chart’s DOM Container. This throws an exception if the value is undefined, which probably means the entire chart is detached from the DOM.


get padHeight(): number

Getter for the padHeight property.

set padHeight(height: number): void

Setter for the padHeight property. This actually adjusts the height attribute on the viewport DOM element.


get padWidth(): number

Getter for the padWidth property.

set padWidth(width: number): void

Setter for the padWidth property. This actually adjusts the height attribute on the viewport DOM element.


get renderEnd(): number

Getter for the renderEnd property


get renderParams(): P

Getter for the Chart’s most recently used RenderParams.

set renderParams(params: P): void

Setter for the renderParms property.


get renderStart(): number

Getter for the renderStart property.


get rowStripePatternSelection(): Selection <SVGPatternElement, any, any, any>

A getter for the rowStripePatternSelection property. This serves as a null guard.


get rowStripeRectSelection(): Selection <SVGRectElement, any, any, any>

A getter for the rowStripeSelection property. This serves as a null guard.


get selector(): string

A getter for the Chart’s selector property. The selector should be able to uniquely select the Chart’s DOM container.


get transform(): Transform

Getter for the transform property. This also updates the internal transform on the Chart’s pad DOM element.

set transform(transform: Transform): void

Setter for the transform property.


get viewportHeight(): number

Getter for the viewportHeight property.

set viewportHeight(height: number): void

Setter for the viewportHeight property. This actually adjusts the height property on the viewport DOM element.


get viewportWidth(): number

Getter for the viewportWidth property.

set viewportWidth(width: number): void

Setter for the viewportWidth property. This actually adjusts the width property on the viewport DOM element.



addAxis(force: boolean): void

If the Chart.axis property is set to true, this adds a horizontal axis to the Chart above the top row. Alternatively, if the force=true is supplied it will ignore the Chart.axis setting and add an axis anyway.


  • force: boolean

Returns: void


addGlyphModifier(modifier: GlyphModifier <A, C>, initialize: boolean): void

This adds a GlyphModifier to the Chart.

Type parameters

  • A: Annotation

  • C: Chart


  • modifier: GlyphModifier <A, C>

  • initialize: boolean

Returns: void


alertObservers(): void

This calls each of this Chart’s attached observer’s alert() method.

Returns: void


applyGlyphModifiers(): void

This applies each of the Chart’s GlyphModifier.zoom() methods, resulting in each of the glyphs in the Chart being appropriately redrawn for the current zoom level.

Returns: void


applyLayoutAndSetRowCount(params: P): void

Selectively apply the layout as defined in the RenderParams argument and set the rowCount property to an appropriate value. If a rowCount is defined in the RenderParams, it will not be overwritten. If the RenderParams are configured such that no layout is applied, rowCount will be set to the max row property of the Annotations in the RenderParams.


  • params: P

Returns: void


calculateContainerDimensions(): DOMRect

This uses d3 to select the Chart’s DOM container and returns a DOMRect that describes that containers dimensions.

Returns: DOMRect


calculatePadDimensions(): DOMRect

This returns a DOMRect that describes the pad dimensions.

Returns: DOMRect


calculatePadHeight(): number

This calculates and returns the width of the SVG viewport in pixels.

Returns: number


calculatePadWidth(): number

This calculates and returns the width of the SVG viewport in pixels.

Returns: number


calculateViewportDimensions(): DOMRect

This returns a DOMRect that describes the viewport’s dimensions.

Returns: DOMRect


calculateViewportHeight(): number

This checks the current height of the viewport in the DOM and returns it.

Returns: number


calculateViewportWidth(): number

This calculates the current width of the viewport in the DOM and returns it.

Returns: number


configureResize(): void

This configures the Chart to respond to browser resize events. The default resize behavior is for the Chart to maintain the current semantic view range, either stretching or shrinking the current view.

Returns: void


configureZoom(): void

This configures the chart’s viewport to appropriately handle browser zoom events.

Returns: void


disableZoom(): void

This disables zooming on the Chart.

Returns: void


fitPadHeight(): void

This fits the Chart’s SVG padding based off of the rowCount, rowHeight and padSize properties.

Returns: void


fitRowStripes(): void

This automatically sets the dimensions of the row stripe DOM elements.

Returns: void


fitViewport(): void

This fits the Chart’s SVG viewport based off of the Chart’s pad size.

Returns: void


getContainerHeight(): number

This calculates and returns the Chart’s DOM container’s height in pixels.

Returns: number


getContainerWidth(): number

This calculates and returns the Chart’s DOM container’s width in pixels.

Returns: number


getSemanticViewRange(): ViewRange

Get the semantic coordinate range of what is currently shown in the Chart’s viewport.

Returns: ViewRange


initializeXScale(start: number, end: number): void

This initializes an x translation scale with the provided coordinates and the dimensions of the Chart.


  • start: number

  • end: number

Returns: void


initializeXScaleFromRenderParams(params: P): void

This initializes an x translation scale with the provided RenderParams and the dimensions of the Chart.


  • params: P

Returns: void


render(params: P): void

This method stores the render parameters on the Chart and calls preRender(), inRender(), and postRender().


  • params: P

Returns: void


rescaleXScale(transformArg: Transform): void

This rescales the Chart’s x translation scale. If a transform argument is provided, it will use that. Otherwise, it will use the Chart’s internal transform object.


  • transformArg: Transform

Returns: void


resetTransform(): void

Reset the Chart’s transform to the zoom identity (no translation, no zoom).

Returns: void


resize(): void

This resizes the Chart. If the Chart has resizing enabled, this is called automatically when a browser zoom event occurs.

Returns: void


setRowStripes(): void

This initializes the DOM elements that form the row stripes in the Chart, if enabled.

Returns: void


setToContainerDimensions(): void

This calculates the Chart’s DOM container’s dimensions and sets the Chart’s SVG pad to fill those dimensions.

Returns: void


squareToContainerHeight(): void

This calculates the height of the Chart’s DOM container and sets the Chart’s SVG pad to a square with that height.

Returns: void


squareToContainerWidth(): void

This calculates the width of the Chart’s DOM container and sets the Chart’s SVG pad to a square with that width.

Returns: void


zoom(): void

This is the handler method that will be called when the Chart’s viewport receives a browser zoom event.

Returns: void


inferRenderRange(params: P): None

A utility function to attempt to infer a semantic range on RenderParams when no range is explicitly supplied.

Type parameters

  • P: RenderParams


  • params: P

Returns: None