Syncing the zoom level across multiple charts

In this example, we’ll build a multi-chart visualization that acts more like a set of “tracks” in a genome browser, where each Chart has a synchronized zoom level.

We’ll start off by instantiating a couple of Charts:

let chart = new soda.Chart({
  selector: "#soda-chart",
  axis: true,
  zoomable: true

// we'll leave the axis off of this one
let chart2 = new soda.Chart({
  zoomable: true,
  inRender: function(this, params): void {
      chart: this,
      annotations: params.annotations || [],
      fillColor: "cadetblue"

Now we’ll create a ZoomSyncer object and add the Charts to it. After we’ve done this, the Charts will have synchronized zooming and panning.

let zoomSyncer = new soda.ZoomSyncer();
zoomSyncer.add([chart, chart2]);

Finally we can render some glyphs as usual:

let ann: Soda.Annotation = soda.generateAnnotations({
  n: 10

  annotations: ann

  annotations: ann

See the Pen SODA zoom sync by Jack Roddy (@jackroddy) on CodePen.