
interface DynamicTextConfig<A extends Annotation, C extends Chart>

An interface that defines the parameters for a call to the dynamicText rendering function.

Type parameters

  • A: Annotation

  • C: Chart



annotations: A []

A list of Annotation objects that will be used to render the glyphs.


chart: C

The Chart object in which the glyphs will be rendered.


dominantBaseline: undefined | string | GlyphCallback <A, C, string>

How the text aligns vertically: auto, middle, hanging. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/dominant-baseline


fillColor: undefined | string | GlyphCallback <A, C, string>

This defines the fill color of the glyph.


fillOpacity: undefined | number | GlyphCallback <A, C, number>

This defines the fill opacity of the glyph.


fontFamily: undefined | string | GlyphCallback <A, C, string>


fontSize: undefined | number | GlyphCallback <A, C, number>

The font size of the text.


fontStyle: undefined | string | GlyphCallback <A, C, string>

The font style: normal, italic, or oblique. See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/font-style


fontWeight: undefined | string | GlyphCallback <A, C, string>

The weight of the font: normal, bold, bolder, lighter. See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/font-weight


height: undefined | number | GlyphCallback <A, C, number>

This defines the pixel height of the glyph.


row: undefined | number | GlyphCallback <A, C, number>

This defines the row that the glyph is placed in.


selector: undefined | string

The string that will be used to uniquely identify the call to the glyph rendering function. In the DOM, the glyphs’ elements will have this assigned as an ID. If the same selector is supplied to two distinct calls to the same glyph function, the rendering results of the first call will be cleared and replaced with the results of the second.


strokeColor: undefined | string | GlyphCallback <A, C, string>

This defines the color of the border around the glyph.


strokeDashArray: undefined | string | GlyphCallback <A, C, string>

This defines the stroke dash array of the glyph. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/stroke-dasharray


strokeDashOffset: undefined | string | GlyphCallback <A, C, string>

This defines the offset for the stroke dash array (if supplied) of the glyph. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/stroke-dashoffset


strokeLineCap: undefined | string | GlyphCallback <A, C, string>

This defines the stroke linecap of the glyph. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/stroke-linecap


strokeLineJoin: undefined | string | GlyphCallback <A, C, string>

This defines the offset for the stroke linejoin of the glyph. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/stroke-linejoin


strokeOpacity: undefined | number | GlyphCallback <A, C, number>

This defines the opacity of the border around the glyph.


strokeWidth: undefined | number | GlyphCallback <A, C, number>

This defines the width of the border around the glyph.


target: undefined | Selection <any, any, any, any> | Viewport | Overflow | Defs

This determines the parent DOM element in which the glyphs will be rendered. When supplying a BindTarget, the rendering function will find the appropriate parent in the supplied Chart. When supplying a D3 selection, the rendering function will explicitly use the selected element.


text: GlyphProperty <A, C, string []>

A callback to extract a list of text to display from the represented Annotation object. It is a list of text because TextGlyphs can display varying length text depending on how much room is available at the Chart’s current zoom level.


textAnchor: undefined | string | GlyphCallback <A, C, string>

How the text aligns horizontally: start, middle, or end. See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/text-anchor


width: undefined | number | GlyphCallback <A, C, number>

This defines the pixel width of the glyph.


x: undefined | number | GlyphCallback <A, C, number>

This defines the pixel x coordinate of the glyph.


y: undefined | number | GlyphCallback <A, C, number>

This defines the pixel y coordinate of the glyph