This page shows some examples of simple SODA visualizations. Each example has an embedded CodePen, which can be edited live by selecting the “TypeScript” tab.
The data from each example is loaded with a fetch call to the Sodaviz example database API, which returns JSON strings that serialize directly into JavaScript objects that implement the Annotation interface.
For example, creating a chart and rendering data from a fetch request looks something like:
// create a chart in the div with the ID "soda-chart"
let chart = new soda.Chart({ selector: "div#soda-chart" });
// fetch the example data from this endpoint
// when we get the response, call json() to serialize it into objects
.then((response: Response) => response.json())
// when we have our objects, render them in the Chart
.then((annotations: soda.Annotation[]) => {
chart.render({ annotations: annotations }
For the sake of brevity, the following examples omit some syntax, which leaves them looking a little more like:
let chart = new soda.Chart({ selector: "div#soda-chart" });
.then(response => response.json())
.then(annotations => chart.render({ annotations }));
Each example can be zoomed with ctrl + scroll wheel and panned by clicking and dragging.
Simple rectangles
import * as soda from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/@sodaviz/soda@0.12.0";
let chart = new soda.Chart({
selector: "div#soda-chart",
zoomable: true,
resizable: true
.then(response => response.json())
.then(annotations => chart.render({ annotations });
See the Pen simple rectangles 0.12.0 by Jack Roddy (@jackroddy) on CodePen.
Styled rectangles
import * as soda from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/@sodaviz/soda@0.12.0";
import * as d3 from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/d3@7.4.4";
// we'll use this D3 color scale later to easily pick colors
let colors = d3.scaleOrdinal(d3.schemeTableau10);
// we'll define a custom Annotation interface that
// describes some extra fields that exist in our records
interface CustomAnnotation extends soda.Annotation {
family: string;
divergence: number;
// we'll define a custom RenderParams interface that
// describes our custom render data payload
interface CustomRenderParams extends soda.RenderParams {
annotations: CustomAnnotation[];
// we'll explicitly type our Chart with our CustomRenderParams
// so that the TypeScript compiler knows what we're intending
let chart = new soda.Chart<CustomRenderParams>({
selector: "div#soda-chart",
zoomable: true,
resizable: true,
// we'll write a custom draw() callback to overwrite
// the default rendering behavior of the Chart
draw(params) {
chart: this,
annotations: params.annotations,
// these callbacks will be evaluated for each glyph
fillColor: (d) => colors(d.a.id),
fillOpacity: (d) => (100 - d.a.divergence) / 100,
strokeColor: "none"
.then(response => response.json())
.then(annotations => chart.render({ annotations });
See the Pen styled rectangles 0.12.0 by Jack Roddy (@jackroddy) on CodePen.
Dynamic text
import * as soda from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/@sodaviz/soda@0.12.0";
import * as d3 from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/d3@7.4.4";
let colors = d3.scaleOrdinal(d3.schemeTableau10);
interface CustomAnnotation extends soda.Annotation {
family: string;
interface CustomRenderParams extends soda.RenderParams {
annotations: CustomAnnotation[];
let chart = new soda.Chart<CustomRenderParams>({
selector: "div#soda-chart",
rowHeight: 14,
zoomable: true,
resizable: true,
draw(params) {
chart: this,
annotations: params.annotations,
fillColor: (d) => colors(d.a.id),
strokeColor: "none"
// we'll call dynamicText() with the same Annotations
// that we're using to render the rectangles
chart: this,
annotations: params.annotations,
// the dynamic text glyph displays the longest string that will
// fit into the space it has available in the viewport
text: (d) => [`${d.a.family} - ${d.a.id}`, d.a.family, "..."]
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((annotations) => chart.render({ annotations }));
See the Pen text 0.11.0 by Jack Roddy (@jackroddy) on CodePen.
import * as soda from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/@sodaviz/soda@0.12.0";
import * as d3 from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/d3@7.4.4";
let colors = d3.scaleOrdinal(d3.schemeTableau10);
interface CustomAnnotation extends soda.Annotation {
family: string;
interface CustomRenderParams extends soda.RenderParams {
annotations: CustomAnnotation[];
let chart = new soda.Chart<CustomRenderParams>({
selector: "div#soda-chart",
rowHeight: 20,
zoomable: true,
resizable: true,
// we'll write a simple draw() callback that
// gives us colored rectangles
draw(params) {
chart: this,
annotations: params.annotations,
fillColor: (d) => colors(d.a.id),
strokeColor: "none"
// now we'll write a postRender() callback that
// applies some interactions to the glyphs
postRender(params) {
chart: this,
annotations: params.annotations,
// this function is evaluated when a glyph is clicked
click: (
// s is a d3 Selection of the glyph in the DOM
s: d3.Selection<any, any, any, any>,
// d is the AnnotationDatum bound to the glyph
d: soda.AnnotationDatum<CustomAnnotation, Chart<CustomRenderParams>>
) => alert(`${d.a.id} clicked`)
chart: this,
annotations: params.annotations,
// this function is evaluated when a glyph is moused over
mouseover: (s, d) => s.style("stroke", "black"),
// this function is evaluated when a glyph is no longer moused over
mouseout: (s, d) => s.style("stroke", "none")
chart: this,
annotations: params.annotations,
text: (d) => d.a.family
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((annotations) => chart.render({ annotations }));
See the Pen interactions 0.12.0 by Jack Roddy (@jackroddy) on CodePen.
Plot annotations
import * as soda from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/@sodaviz/soda@0.12.0";
interface CustomRenderParams extends soda.RenderParams {
annotations: PlotAnnotation[];
let chart = new soda.Chart<CustomRenderParams>({
selector: "div#soda-chart",
zoomable: true,
resizable: true,
rowHeight: 100,
draw(params) {
chart: this,
annotations: params.annotations
chart: this,
// setting this allows the axes to overflow into
// the SVG pad, preventing them from clipping
target: soda.BindTarget.Overflow,
annotations: params.annotations
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((annotations) => chart.render({ annotations }));
See the Pen plots 0.11.0 by Jack Roddy (@jackroddy) on CodePen.
Sequence annotations
import * as soda from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/@sodaviz/soda@0.12.0";
interface CustomRenderParams extends soda.RenderParams {
annotations: SequenceAnnotation[];
let chart = new soda.Chart<CustomRenderParams>({
selector: "div#soda-chart",
zoomable: true,
resizable: true,
draw(params) {
chart: this,
annotations: params.annotations
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((annotations) => chart.render({ annotations }));
See the Pen sequence 0.11.0 by Jack Roddy (@jackroddy) on CodePen.